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2012 Annual Meeting Presentations

4th Annual Meeting FlyerMeeting Synopsis by Kevin Haight





4th Annual Meeting

Van Buren Conference Center

490 S. Paw Paw Street, Lawrence, MI 49064





 6:30 pm   Registration and Dessert Social

7:00 pm   TRC 2012 Highlights – Making A Difference: (Click to see presentation slides) 

Marcy Colclough, Senior Planner at Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, will provide her perspective of TRC’s accomplishments during the past year and of plans for the future.

Marcy has 14 years of experience working with municipalities and community groups in southwest Michigan to improve and protect water quality and build more sustainable communities.

7:15 pm: A Wetland For Every Occasion: (Click to see presentation slides)

Matt Meersman, Watershed Coordinator for the Van Buren Conservation District, will highlight a project identifying high priority wetlands based on a variety of water quality and habitat related functions.

Matt has been working to protect rivers, lakes and streams in southwest Michigan for over 12 years.  His passion for protecting water comes from a love of being on and in it.  You can find him paddling canoes and kayaks on area lakes and rivers several days a week.  He currently serves as the President of the Friends of the St. Joe River Association.

8:00 pm   Election of Board Members - (Joe Parman, Frank Jurenka and Carl Bouton elected to fill three expiring seats)

8:15 pm   Why Swamp Gas Should Make Us Happy: Tom Springer, author and journalist, will discuss what it takes to make wetlands less creepy, more lovable and thus more worthy of protection.

Tom is the author of “Looking for Hickories: The Forgotten Wildness of the Rural Midwest,” and has written for popular magazines such as Backpacker and Michigan Out-of-Doors.  His nature-themed commentaries have aired on several National Public Radio programs.  He holds a master’s degree in environmental journalism from Michigan State University.

9:00 pm  Adjourn

This page last updated on 9/16/2019.

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