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Stormwater Runoff
Rain Gardens
- Rain Gardens (Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office)
- Planning, Planting and Maintaining Residential Rain Gardens (SOCWA, 2008) (file size 5305k)
- Rain Gardens for the Rouge River (SOCWA, 2007) (file size 327k)
- Rain Garden Manual for Homeowners (Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, 2006) (file size 903k)
- Rain Gardens -- A How-to Manual for Homeowners (University of Wisconsin-Extension, 2003) (file size 2.6m)
- Schematic of Root Systems of Native Plants (file size 1.3m)
Storm Water Management
- Catching the Rain -- A Great Lakes Resource Guide for Natural Stormwater Management (American Rivers, 2004) (file size 1.0m)
- Low Impact Development Manual for Michigan (SEMCOG, 2008) (file size 15.0m) This manual provides information on integrating LID from the community level down to the site level. It not only contains technical details of best management practices, but also provides a larger scope for managing stormwater through policy decision, including ordinances, master plans, and watershed plans.
Native Plants and Riparian Buffers
- Landscaping for Water Quality (Center for Environmental Study, 2004) (file size 7.2m)
- Schematic of Root Systems of Native Plants (file size 1.3m)
- Landscaping with Native Plants (US EPA web site Links)
- Springfield Township Michigan Native Vegetation Enhancement Project: Local plant lists for Michigan and other native plant-related resources
- Blue Thumb -- Planting for Clean Water: Rain Gardens, Native Gardens and Shoreline Stabilization resources
Michigan Native Plant Species Resources:
- Michigan Native Plant Producers Association
- Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes
Rain Barrels
- MSU Extension Rain Barrels - The Green Way to Water Your Landscaping
- How to Build Your Own Rain Barrel
This page last updated on 12/14/2024.